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தமிழக மக்களுக்கு எச்சரிக்கை விடுத்த ராதாகிருஷ்ணன் : Radhakrishnan warns TN people | 3rd Wave Alert

IndiaGlitz [Tuesday, October 26, 2021 • Tamilfont]
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தமிழக மக்களுக்கு எச்சரிக்கை விடுத்த ராதாகிருஷ்ணன் : Radhakrishnan warns TN people | 3rd Wave Alert

Coronaviruses are a group of related RNA viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans and birds, they cause respiratory tract infections that can range from mild to lethal. Mild illnesses in humans include some cases of the common cold (which is also caused by other viruses, predominantly rhinoviruses), while more lethal varieties can cause SARS, MERS, and COVID-19. In cows and pigs they cause diarrhea, while in mice they cause hepatitis and encephalomyelitis.

Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science &Technology - For More Details click the link:

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