Joy in Srinivasamurthy house

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,November 13 2017]

Veteran actor of over four decades, highly respected Bhojaraja – Srinivasamurthy JK has reasons for joy and celebration.

Srinivasamurthy currently Drona in ‘Munirathna Kurukshetra’ character is busy inviting for his second son Nitil Krishna wedding. Nitil Krishna mother is Pushpa S Murthy. Nitil Krishna acted in lead role in ‘Devara Makkalu’ a production of Srinivasamurthy family and he has directed the film. Naveen Krishna is the eldest son very popular in big and small screen.

Nitil Krishna is marring a distant relative Mahalakshmi (Manasa) daughter Mangala Gowri and Sathyamurthy. On 20th November at Sahakara Samudaya Bhavana behind DG Hospital in Padmanabhanagara, the wedding of Nitil Krishna and Mahalakshmi is taking place. Reception is a day before – Sunday at 6.30 pm onwards.

Naveen Krishna eldest son of Srinivasamurthy is distant relative to Tamil super star Rajanikanth.