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Prithvraj's Americanized accent

Friday, May 29, 2015 • Tamil Comments
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Actor Prithviarj is perhaps one among the few actors in Mollywood who can speak flawless English. The talented actor however is speaking an altogether different kind of English in his upcoming release 'Ivide' directed by Shyamaprasad. The entire movie is set in the American town of Atlanta and Prithviraj plays a police officer of Indian origin in Atlanta named Varun Blake.

Prithviraj says that he started out the shooting after doing a character sketch of Varun and studying the character in minute detail. Speaking in an Americanized accent was part of the character. Though he wanted to hire an accent tutor to perfect the speech, he couldn't do so. Prithviarj had to rely on the others on the set and some audio cds to get it right. Going by the trailer, he has done quite a convincing job.

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