Ameer pitches for Tamils to rule Tamil Nadu

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,November 14 2017]

Actor-director Ameer Sultan a.k.a. Ameer has said that Tamils are of the overwhelming view that only a Tamil should rule them (as chief-minister). “Don’t we deserve to expect to be ruled by one amongst us? Doesn’t Tamil Nadu have any good people; Rajini and Vishal might be good but we are not bad at all,” Ameer said.

Speaking to newsmen yesterday, the bearded Ameer lauded Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘Clean India’ campaign but wondered why River Ganges, considered the holiest of all rivers in the country, hasn’t yet been cleaned so far. “I’d surely welcome the Prime Minister’s idea of constructing toilets across every household in the country.

“Rajini and Kamal can’t emerge victorious in politics merely with the help of their image as actors. They may get votes – may be 10% each – but it may not be enough for them to hope to rule the State. It, however, remains to be seen as to what kind of philosophies/policies they bring to the voters. MGR didn’t rely on his image as an actor alone; he taught good things in films, faced defeats before taking to politics.

“Jayalalithaa too toiled hard after her film career before she could make it to the top in politics. Our wish is that Tamil Nadu should be ruled only by a Tamil; is it not allowed in a democracy? Rajini and Vishal might be good souls; it doesn’t mean that there aren’t any good souls left in Tamil Nadu. Tamil nationalists are more than capable of ruling the State on their own,” Ameer concluded.