Asvins - A heart stopping horror short film made with limited resources by young team

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,July 20 2020]

The past few years have seen n number of horror films with only a few hitting the mark while others succeeded in making the genre lose its charm or scare value to be precise.  Tarun Teja and his young team in collaboration with Nashville Film Institute ( have come up with short film 'Asvins' that has been shot with minimal equipment but scares the moonlight out of the viewers.

The very title 'Asvins' carries intrigue with the opening titles throwing light  that they are horse possessors who in Hindu mythology are twin Vedic gods.  It is said that as twins they represent a duality of ideas such as dark and light, healing and destruction.

Armed with the above information alone the viewers in 'Asvins' are pushed into a house where a 23 year old girl had killed herself and is said to have been in possession of a great evil artifact.  The protagonist who is not seen but goes inside the house to shoot it for an episode for his YouTube channel experiences the horror.

Credit to Tarun Teja and his team that 'Asvins' with limited resources has kept the viewer engaged and invested for close to twenty minutes which is no mean task.  An ordinary middle-class terrace house in the flashlight of a cellphone seems to spew out scares from every corner which works to great effect.  The conversation in English with both the players connecting with the audience also helps in reaching a wider audience and curiosity is sure tapped about the full-length feature for which this short is aimed for serving as a pilot.   Good luck team.

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