Ayush Sharma wants to be a part of a period drama

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,January 11 2022]

Actor Ayush Sharma recently impressed the audience by playing a dreaded gangster in the film 'Antim: The Final Truth'. Since he shared screen with his brother in-law Salman Khan in 'Antim', Ayush got some much needed exposure and now he wants to go out and do his own thing. During a recent chat with a news outlet, Ayush talked about his future aspirations as an actor and opened up about his dream role as well.

The actor told TOI, “I love Bollywood and I don’t want to be slotted into any category or genre. I don’t want to be in a box. I want to explore everything, including comedy, romance, intense love stories and action. In fact, I would love to do a fun love story like ‘LoveYatri’, which makes people laugh. It’s like a typical popcorn entertainer, which people can watch without any stress.”

Talking about his dream role, Ayush said, “I would love to do a period film as well. I feel it will be quite challenging to go back in history. I have opened my horizon to everything. Also, it’s too early for me to decide what I am good at and stick to it. Chances of getting an opportunity to play a character like Rahuliya in ‘Antim’ are far and few between. The character had such a strong arc, which very few films offer.”