Caregiver stripteases to pilfer money out of old man

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,May 18 2018]

A 36 year old caregiver in Oklahoma, United States has performed strip tease for an 85 year old man. The man had bought the lady a car, family heirlooms and even added the caregiver to his bank account. The woman Shelly Streck who was actually paid to take care of his bed –ridden wife has been charged with two counts of abuse.

According to the affidavit filed, Shelly used to dress provocatively around the house even sending lewd videos to the victims. The old man, the victim who din’t want to be named, wanted Shelly to move into his house with children and even proposed to have her name in the house deed.

However, Streck states that she is not at fault and it was the victim’s idea to give her car, home and heirlooms. Watch this space for more updates.