Harshavardhan, Sree Mukhi & others to throw a 'Googly'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,February 05 2018]

Actor-dialogue writer Harshavardhan of 'Amrutham', 'Ishq' and 'Manam' fame is back with a directorial venture of his. Previously titled 'Good Bad Ugly', it has since had a title change.

"We have decided to call our film 'Googly'. As every cricket fan knows, a googly is a ball that spins unpredictably. In the same way, the characters in my film also behave like that. Goodness, badness, and ugliness are not the traits of different characters in my film. They are all there in each of us. Which trait comes out at what time depends on one's character," Harshavardhan says.

Also starring Sree Mukhi, Murali Krishna, Kishore and others, 'Googly' is a village-based comedy-drama set in the year 1988. Touted to be a musical narrative (music is by Harshavardhan), the seemingly 'hatke' film is produced by Bogadi Anjireddy. The original story is by Dr. MPR Radhakrishna. The cinematography is by Suresh Ragutu and Ravikumar V. Editing is by Kishore Maddali. Lyrics are by Chaitanya Prasad and Srimani.

The film is expected to release in the last week of February.