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I Peview
Aascar Films
Vikram, Amy Jakson
Venu Ravichandran


Thursday, January 1, 1970 • தமிழ் Comments

Ever since Shankar stepped into Kollywood with ‘Gentleman’, he keeps raising the bar in his every attempt and with ‘I’ it seems that he is all set to create a huge space between him and the rest of the others in terms of grandeur and making use of new age technology.
Vikram, Amy Jackson, & Upen Patel to round off the lead roles while Santhanam, Ramkumar Ganesan, and Ojas M Rajani to fill the supporting cast. So far, with the teasers and the making of the film, one can see that Vikram is doing four roles, a Mr. Madras aspirant with Arnold’s hairstyle, a hunchback, a beast, and a ravishing model, who tours along with Amy Jackson to China.
Upen Patel is touted to be an intelligent Villain, who makes use of Vikram for his experiment and Amy Jackson is playing the role of a gorgeous model.
Shankar’s regular collaborator, A.R. Rahman has composed the music and the songs got released on Sep 15th to wonderful reviews and the songs are still topping the charts. Rahman had revealed that he scored the music back in 2012 and he is happy that the tunes are still fresh enough to attract the listeners. Read our exclusive music review here and audio launch event coverage here

Technical crew:
Shankar had made use of the best technology and brilliant people from every corner to paint his biggest dream. WETA workshop has done his part in giving the perfect look for Vikram’s hunchback and Beast look while Martial arts choreographer Yuen Woo-Ping has been roped in to design jaw dropping stunts. Catch the making video of ‘I’ to get an idea about what’s in store.
Pre release buzz:
The movie was supposed to release for this Diwali, but the post production works have delayed the release. There were too many reports about the movie’s release on Nov 14th and Christmas, but the production house has put an end stating that the movie will be out for Pongal, 2015. Up next Shankar & his team will be taking their movie for evaluation to CBFC and once it is done, then we will be having a clear cut picture of the release.
Though there are some sources claim that the production house has spent more than 150 crores, Shankar has dismissed that by mentioning, “For some reason, people like to exaggerate how much I spend on a film. Trust me when I tell you that the budget of I is less than Rs. 100 crore. I try hard to salvage every rupee. When I’m on the spot, I keep my eyes open for equipment we can return and save money. Similarly, people also exaggerate how long I take to make a film. ‘I’ was planned for release last Diwali. Due to some delays from the production side, we had to stall it a bit. For months, I was sitting idle.”

Shankar’s ‘I’ is not one of the most anticipated movies of next year, it is actually going to be the biggest of all the movies and expected to break all the records in the K-town.