'Khaidi No. 150' is U/A: Unmitigated Anandam

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,December 29 2016]

It was that rarest of the rare moment when Censor board members clapped because they just reviewed Megastar Chiranjeevi's movie! The Boss is back! Unalloyed bliss is back. As the slogan goes, "Our childhood is back."

"Censor board members, too, were excited watching TFI Legend #Megastar after a long time. Claps at the end. Super duper bumper response," a highly-placed source reveals.

This is nothing. There is more in store. Come Sankranthi, you know what is going to happen. Unmitigated Anandam will take over.

As a Twitter joke might have gone like this:

Girl - Tell those three words.

Boy - Boss is back!