Modi to be seen on special episode of Discovery channel

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,July 29 2019]

Narendra Modi has shot for a special episode with British presenter Bear Gyrlls for Discovery channel. The episode seeks to showcase India's rich environmental heritage while also highlighting the importance of conservation.

Breaking the news to the world, Gyrlls today said, People across 180 countries will get to see the unknown side of PM Narendra Modi as he ventures into Indian wilderness to create awareness about animal conservation and environmental change. Catch Man Vs Wild with PM Modi Discovery channel on August 12 @ 9 pm.

Thanking Gyrlls for being to India, the PM said, India- where you find lush green forests, diverse wildlife, beautiful mountains and mighty rivers. Watching this programme will make you want to visit different parts of India and add to discourse of environmental conservation.