More troubles for Dhanush

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,October 20 2005]

Dhanush’s Ashokamithran to be directed by Karu Palaniappan is facing protests. The crux of the problem is again the title.

Now, what could be wrong with a title like Ashokamithran? Well, it can be problematic if there is a living person in the same name.

And there is one,and he is not only living but is also a popular and respected writer in Tamil.

The news is that Ashokamitran, the well-known writer (he pens in both Tamil and English) has reportedly not happy with his name being used for the film.

A quiet,suave man, he is said to have conveyed his mind to the director.

Asoka Mitran is not the one to make a showy fuss over anything. So if at all he is upset, the director and producer will bow to his wishes as his views and ideas are seen as genuine.

The team is now said to be looking for an alternative title.