'Parthan.....' from next week

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,April 25 2008]

Jayaram's new film 'Parthan Kanda Paralokam' which was expected to reach the release centers for this Vishu, will now grace the theaters next week.

The movie has completed its entire post production works and is waiting for release. The movie in which Jayaram is donning the role of Parthasarathy, a middle class guy who has a peculiar luck to escape from the arms of death many times, will also have ample space of humorous scenes.

The movie is another crucial one in Jayaram's career, as the actor has not been able to deliver any significant hits for the last three years.

‘Parthan Kanda Paralokam' will also feature Mukesh , Sona and Sreedevika in other important roles.