Vignesh Shivan alleges Radha Ravi sexually harassed an actress

In the wake of Radha Ravi's sexist comments against Nayanthara, Vignesh Shivan has come up with a serious allegation against the veteran actor and has also requested DMK leaders Kanimozhi and M.K. Stalin to take action against him.

Vignesh Shivan has tweeted In 2018, there was a sexual harassment complaint against Mr.Radha Ravi by a distressed actress, who feared to reveal her identity. He walked scotfree. A little later Mr.Radha Ravi scandalously & insensitively mocked at the Me Too movement. In 2017, Mr.Radha Ravi made a crass insensitive comment about children with disabilities. It is men like Mr.Radha Ravi who perpetuate & glorify the violence against women & children.

Vicky has also posted M.K.Stalin sir & Kanimozhi Madame, both respected leaders have voiced vociferously against Pollachi Sexual Harassment case. Please , Why don’t you take stringent action against male chauvinist, crass sexist & bully Mr.Radha Ravi? Kindly acknowledge and take action.