Rashmika Mandanna has a Tamil actor as her new fan

  • IndiaGlitz, [Sunday,April 12 2020]

Rashmika Mandanna is a heart throb. This bundle of cuteness and glamour has innumerable fans all over. In the recent times, she has been doing amazingly good in Telugu film industry and has bagged two back to back hits with Sarileru Neekevaru and Bheeshma. Also, she has Allu Arjun’s Pushpa in her kitty. On the other hand, she has a couple of films in Tamil too, marking her debut there.

Much before she has even made her debut, the actress already has huge number of fans in Tamil. Also, there are celebrities who have a crush on her.

As the shoot of the movies have been halted due to coronavirus outbreak, the actors are staying at their homes. Few are spending time with family members whereas few are interacting with their fans via social media. Recently Harish Kalyan also interacted with his fans via Twitter and when someone asked who his favourite heroine is, he revealed that he has a crush on Rashmika Mandanna. This is something that has surprised all the Rashmika fans.

Harish Kalyan starrer recently released film, Dharala Prabhu, Tamil remake of Bollywood film, Vicky Donor, had its digital premiere on 9th April. Ahead of the film’s release on the web space, the young actor took to his social media site to interact with his fans.