Actor Sibi's solution to Jallikattu

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,January 17 2017]

Actor Sibiraj has come forward expressing his views on Jallikattu. The hero of 'Naaigal Jaakirathai' is no longer quiet about the ongoing controversy.

Most of the Kollywood industry's members who've supported for Jallikattu, have indicatively opposed PETA and Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI) as well. Actor Sibi Sathyaraj, however, finds a middle ground between the decisions. He says that cruelty done to animals during film shooting has completely been eliminated and he praises the AWBI for that. However, he also insists that Jallikattu, being a tradition cannot be banned, but can be regulated properly.

Trying to get the best of both worlds, like Sibi's intention, is indeed an admirable way of thinking indeed. The actor's latest movie "Kattappava Kanom" is due for release soon.

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