I never knew expectations are high: Vijay Devarakonda

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,February 27 2017]

Vijay Devarakonda is unarguably one of the most sought-after actors in Tollywood. In this interview, he talks about his March 3 release 'Dwaraka', why and when he thought of trying his hand at direction, and more.

What is the title justification and what's your character in the movie?

Dwaraka is the name of the apartment in the backdrop of which the whole story takes place. The trailer establishes my character as Krishnananda Swamy. He is an orphan and a petty thief named Erra Seenu, who ends up in the upscale apartment while trying to escape from a scene of thievery. One sudden event leads to a chain reaction, bringing about a change in his life.

Why should the apartment's name be Dwaraka?

Just as in Lord Krishna's Dwaraka, there are range of characters in this apartment that houses many families. There is a wannabe MLA, a high-profile criminal lawyer, there is a character which believes in Vastu Shastra, there is (comedian) Prudhvi who believes in good days to come, so on and so forth.

The heroine too ends up being in that apartment because of some reasons.

The premise seems to be comedic. Isn't it?

It's only on the surface that I am a fake Baba. A serious story is taking place as an undercurrent. Ours is a spiritual country and so, the film's message will be understood and appreciated by all. Even Prudhvi's character is serious-minded, but his high-brow talk is peppered with humour.

The story is such that it can be made as a dark, realistic film as well. But the director wanted to make it into a larger canvas with a larger cast.

Have you ever lived in an apartment?

Even now I am living in an apartment. Earlier, I used to interact a lot with the neighbors, but of late, I don't even know who are my neighbors. It's not after I became an actor. It had been the case even before films happened. Some times, I would be asked to come and grace a 'baraat'. That's why my daddy often tells me not to stand by the window.

Why has there been so much of delay in the movie's release?

'Dwaraka' was supposed to be released in November, but Demonetization happened. Since we believe that this is a good film that needs to be told to a wider audience, we didn't to release it at a time when people were too busy standing in ATM queues.

The expectations from the movie are high, as it's coming after 'Pelli Choopulu'. What's your say?

It's only now when I am giving interviews that I came to know that expectations from me are high. I don't worry about expectations. I do a film if I like the script. If it reaches a wider audience, then it's good. When we made 'Pelli Choopulu', I expected a margin of Rs. 50 lacs for the producer.

Since you are doing a kissing scene in 'Arjun Reddy', you may be called a Himesh Reshammiya.

You may have decided to label me as Himesh Reshammiya, but I deem it an insult to all kissing men to be described after him. He is not the only one who kisses. The intention was not to make the kissing scene come across as sexual. It's pure love that is trying to be conveyed.

Didn't you become an actor when you wanted to become a director?

I tried my hand at writing when I realized that acting was not happening for me. When I was 22, I decided that I should become an actor before 25. Most aspiring actors persist for opportunities and before they know, they would have turned 30 or 32. I always had a Plan B.

I have a few ideas. I have a full script ready. Whenever I direct, I won't be the hero. I have ideas revolving around human relationships, a hostel-based story involving 4 friends, a story based on good and bad times, etc.

Why are you not active on social media?

I have a Facebook page. I won't debut on Twitter. I don't want to be distracted. If I am there, I will have to spend time on those who follow or interact with me.

What are your upcoming movies?

I have two films under Geetha Arts. A film with Rahul Sankrytan is there, in which debutante Priyanka is the heroine. Parusuram's film will go on the floors next month. After that will be Nandini Reddy's movie.