Ajith's vital visit to energize his team

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,October 26 2015]

Thala Ajith suffered a leg injury during the last day shooting of his upcoming film 'Vedalam' and he has completed the dubbing work for the film in record speed to ensure that the film hits the Deepavali dead line.

As we have been reporting earlier the post production works for the film have begun even before the shooting was completed and the entire post production team is working day and night to meet the deadline. The film is expected to be ready for Censor Certification this week.

In the meantime amid the extremely tight working schedule the post production team headed by the film's director Siruthai Siva had some lighter moments as Thala visited Gemini labs, the spot where the DI &VFX works are going on. Ajith seems to have spent quality time with the team and also posed for photographs.

After the visit of Ajith the team would have received the much needed zeal and energy to hit the target.